About Us
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
Matt Sage & Jessica Howie - a musician and dancer respectively - founded Wild Honey as a community health hub in 2014 because they are deeply passionate about food, health and our vibrant community here in Oxford. We stock the freshest, local, organic produce, from suppliers including:
Worthy Earth Vegetables
Blackland Organics
Hempen Organic CBD
Green Routes Coffee
Therapi Skincare
Tap Social
Mujo Soaps
Oxford MIcrogreens
Norton & Yarrow Dairy
Brightwell Bees
Busbys Bees
Modern Baker
Aston’s Bakery
Bman Oxford Beers
Oxford Honey
North Aston Organics
and so many others…If you know of anyone missing from this list, please let us know!
We take pride in sourcing the finest, ethical food, supplements and beauty products from Oxford and around the world. If there is something special that you would like us to source, please let us know.

Jessica & Matt
Thank you for supporting local, independent business, instead of shopping online or with a big multi-chain. Every penny you spend with a local independent, stays within the local economy. This enables all of us to continue to support and employ one another - fostering, nourishing and empowering local community.